5 tips for a happier holiday season

Happy holidays! Happy 'getting stressed out, trying to do too many things and please everyone' season. Oh, wait. That's not promising. Maybe this is the year to mix it up a little and make the holidays a little easier. Forget perfection Sometimes gingerbread men will be missing a limb. The tree may have a bald spot. The kugel may not taste exactly like your grandma’s. Know what? None of it matters. Decide what's truly important to you over the holidays, and focus on that. Enlist help Once you drop the desire for Norman Rockwell levels of perfection, it gets much easier to ask for help and delegate tasks. Kids can sign the names and address holiday cards. Wrap gifts in plain brown paper and kids can stay occupied decorating with crayons and ribbon. Stick to a budget Much of the holiday stress people feel can be attributed to money woes. Make a list and check it twice, making sure the gifts you choose are wi...