5 Ways to Celebrate National Women’s Health and Fitness Day

September 30th is National Women’s Health and Fitness Day . Hundreds of organizations countrywide will be hosting a variety of noncompetitive events covering everything from group walks to health seminars. In the spirit of this holiday, we’ve put together a list of 5 ways you can celebrate women’s health and fitness - regardless if there’s an organization participating near you. Go inward Good health starts within. Too often our lives are so busy that we forget to remember ourselves. Spend a little time thinking about what you want for yourself and what fits your wellness goals. Practicing yoga, meditation, and even a daily drawing habit can help push you toward a more healthful and balanced life. Go outward If working on the inner stuff is important, it’s just as vital to do things in an outward fashion too. Take a long walk, go for a hike, play a sport, go out dancing or even meeting up with friends can have a major impact on your emotional well b...